Tuesday, September 27, 2016

God Mind Map

After doing this project I discovered a different part of god that I thought he never had. Before I thought god was the perfect person that all of us looked up to because we wanted to be god in a kind of way. But after reading this I've learned that god is just like us because he feels different emotions and he also has different sides like us. For example god was kind of evil by causing the flood because he could've solved the problems in a lot more ways with less controversy. But this story shows how god also rewards the people who do good for example Noah in the story Noah's arc. God rewards him by letting him know that the flood is coming. And by receiving this information Noah being able to build an arc to save his family and all the animals. But after causing the flood GOD promises to never cause another one which shows us that god also makes mistakes just like human beings. So in a way god is exactly like us because he does the same thing that us all his followers also do. And that's why god created us in his own mind because he wanted us to kind of be exactly like him.

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