Thursday, October 6, 2016

How does the book of job compare to the Old Testament stories?

The book of job is very similar to stories from the Old Testament but also very different to stories from the Old Testament. The book of job is similar to stories like Abraham and Isaac but different to stories like Noah's Ark. I think the book of job is similar to the story of Abraham and Isaac because in both stories god puts Job and Abraham through hell just to prove that they are faithful to god and only Abraham ends up successfully proving his faith to god. Job ends up cursing the day he was born which means he failed proving his faith to god. Even though I didn't finish the book of job I feel like job is going to be punished for failing to prove his faith to god like god punished Adam and Eve when they ate the fruit of the tree that they were told not to eat off of. But I think it's going to be an even more severe punishment than what Adam and Eve got. Another way they are similar is by god putting them through different tests . But I wonder why god does this to people if he already knows the answer because he is god.

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